When we were young.....

little projects in experimenting with sounds - eNjoY yoUr muSIc

* YouTube channel of OliveLand

Collaborative piano page (previous Jam recitals, composition projects and piano orchestra)

2008 - 2009
*Mixed media works, original and improvization works (please stroll down)


2007 & 2008 *Mixed media works, original and improvization works (please stroll down)

as featured in the recital and some more....lll



2003-2005 (A - K)


2003-2005 (L - Z))


2001 - 2002


2000 - 2001


1999 - 2000

Jam 09 - King Of The Swing (Tajana K and Maria K)


Alex L - Hot Air Balloon


*Hannah L - Goat (own composition)


*Hannah L - Delightful Dance (own composition)


Sabrina L - Violin Lament


*Sabrina L - Yellow Autumn (own composition)


Sara H - Believe


*Sara H - Over the Rainbow


*Selena L - Chimes


Selena L - Hot Air Balloon


*Sydney K - Sad Irish Day (own composition)


Sydney K - Setting Sail


Sydney K - Valentine Set (William Gillock)


Paris Boulevard (duet Sara H and Kayla R)

Valse Sentimentale a Deux (duet Nadine R and Van A)

Alex L - Planets Tune

Ben A - I'm Beginning To See The Light

*Brandon S - Fusa (Jan, 2008)

Conor R - Candle in the wind

*Conor R - Wild Animals

Cosette E - Music Box

Cosette E - Peculiar Polka

*Sarah L - Mango

*Hannah D - Rainforest

*Hannah D - Scottish Pipes (Jan, 08)

*Jacky C - Techno Rock

Jacky C - Fantasie Impromptu (Chopin)

Jacky C - La Cou Cou

Janae C - Phantom of the keys

Janae C - I'll Be There (singer player)

Hannah D - Winter Palace

*Katie W - Orange

Kayla R - Spainish Trail (ori. composition)

*Kayla R - Camel Storm

*Keya C - Lavender Shoelaces

Lizzy L - Animals At School

Maria K - Keep Cool

Natalia F - Frere Jacques

*Nigel S - Burst (Jan, 2008)

Nigel S - Jazzy No.3 from Three Moods

*Nigle S - Dance of the Mooses

Peter G - Peanut Butter

Sara H - Greatest Love Of All

Sara H - New York, New York

Sara H - La Bamba

Rachel & Katie W - Steppe On It (duet)

PoyaM - Chopin Funeral March

*Tyler O - Doose


Alec L - Blues

Alex A - Elf

AlexA - Detective

AlexA - Frosty The Snowman

AlexA - Rudolph

AlexA - Star

AlexA - Sun

AllisonF -_Chaser

BenH - Gavotte

BenH - Busy

BenH - Star Wars!

BenH - Waters

BrandonS - All thru the Nite

BrandonS - Romance

ChloeE - Walk

CodyO - Purple People Eater

ConorR - Musette

DorothyN - Bells

ErinW - German Dance

GillianR - First Recording

HarrisonW - Jazzy (own composition)

IanK - Blues

IanK - Mountain

IanK - Musician

IanK - Piano Man (own singing)

JacqL - John

JessieB - Dutch

JordanL - Lubby Loo

JoshL - Banjo

JoshL - Mission Impossible

JoshL - Variation (own composition)

KatieW - Little Playmates

KeyaC - Russian (Nutcracker)

KeyaC - Springtime in my Heart

KyleL - Recording 2003

KyleL - KK

KylieS - Boogie

KylieS - Chromatic...

KylieS - London Symphony Theme

KylieS - Overtune (Nutcraker)

KylieS - Pop and Circumstances

KylieS - Reflection

KylieS - Snowdrop

KylieS - Trumpet Tune

LaurenB - Bass project

LaurenB - Chorale

LaurenB - Waltz of the Flowers (Nutcraker)

LondonL - Blast

MadelineK - Secret (own composition)

MadelineK - Tribal (own composition)

MadelineK - Toes (own composition)

MadelineK - Faries (own composition)

MadelineK - Winter

MadelineT - Dreams

MarybethT - Cradle Song

MarybethT - Creepy Crawly

MarybethT - Monkey Business

MarybethT - Tempo

MatthewL - Cool

MorganM - Clocks

MorganM - Ice Cream

NadineR - Folk Song

NicholasC - Blues Song

NigelS - Cha Cha

NigelS - Carmen

NigelS - Ole

RachelB - Finger

RachelB - Sonatina

RachelW - Bells

RachelW - December Song

RebeccaB - Pirates

RossE - Fifties

SarahL - Camel

StephieR - Come Sail Away

TajanaK - Bobo

TylerM - MonkeyBusiness

ZoeT - Mist

ZoeT - Ocean

Alec L - Batman

Alex W - Boogie On Broadway

Alex W - Greensleeves

Alex W - Merlin the Wizard

Brandon S - Dakata Melody

Brandon S - Little River Flowing

Erin W - Rainy Day Waltz

Erin W - Melody

Erin W - Nina's Dream

Hannah D - First Song

Harrison W - Jazz Improvization

Harrison W - Good Night Ladies

Harrison W - Jazz C Sacle Improvization

Ian W - Bongo Exercise

Ian W - First Recording

Ian W - Jazz Studies

Jessie B - Jericho

Kelsey S - Hidden Treasures

Kylie S - June 02 Recordings

Lauren E - Monkey Business

Lauren E - Setting Sun

London - Romance

Madeline T - Air from Russia

Madeline T - Gavotte in C

Madeline T - Walking Fingers

Nigel S - Boogie

Nigel S - Circle Dance

Sarah L - Guitar Picker

Sarah L - Fine Musician

Sarah L -Mary had a little lamb

Tajana - Star Wars Main Theme


Alec L - Romance Story

Brandon - Japanese March Song

Brandon - Painted Rocking Horse

Chloe - Mountain Dance

Donovan - Egyptian Tune

Dorothy - Indian Rain Dance

Glacia - Fandango

Ian - Forest Dance

Jessica Lato - When The Saints

Josephine - Clowns

Josephine - Jazz Jam

Josephine - Mozart : Musette

Keya - Gravatational Pull

Keya - Quadrille

Kirstine - Peter Cottontail

Kirstine - Popeye

Kirstine -Rubber Duckies

Lauren B - Beethoven

Lauren B - Horse Drawn Carriage

Lauren E - Diddley

Lauren E - Frolicking

London L - June 2001 recording

MaryBeth - Go For The Gold

Nadine - Magic Show

Nicholas - Jumping Beans

Nigel - Tarentella

Nigel - Vivace

Olivia - On The Leeve

Olivia - Whirling Dervish

Rachel - Goodbye To Winter

Rebecca - Harp Song

Robbie - Greatest Show On Earth

Robbie - Magic Man

Ross - Egyptian Dance

Ross - First Sonatina

Ross - Second Sonatina

Stephie R - Old Abe Lincoln

Tatiana K - Bells

Tatiana K - Gentle Thoughts

Tyler - Flying Henry

Zachary - Hope

Zachary - Jazz Song


Austin Drum Pattern Download and Listen

Ian Juggler mp3

Caroline Autumn Song

Chloe A Day In Vienna

Donovan Dr. Rockit

Ian Juggler mp3

Janice Invention In C by J.S.Bach

Jessie Bell Carol

JessieLee Cheeky

Josh Whole New World

Kathryn The Future Belongs To The Young

Keya Dixieland Jam

Keya_Go For The Gold

Kirstine Sounds of Switzerland

KyleLee "Dragon Ball Z"

Kylie Legend Of Madrid

Lauren Belter Jazz Cat Rag

Lauren Belter Marine Wake

Liza Cosser Rock in your socks

London Go Pony Go

MaryBeth Alouette

Nadine Egyptian Ballet

Nigel Your Turn mp3

Rachel Water Lilies

Rebecca_December Song

Ross Just Imagine

Stephie County Fair

YeeSik Grand Valse

Zachary Frickle 4th

Zoe Persian Market
















for the songs recorded before Feb, 2001
